

Nine buffalo lost by Buffalo residents so far in 2021

Oct 8, 2021


The Western New York region is celebrating the loss of more than nine buffalo in nine months.

But don’t be alarmed – our native animals are safe and well!

The “lost buffalo” relates to the amount of weight lost by Independent Health members in the Buffalo area from February through September 2021. With the help of Brook+, this community has lost 19,175 pounds – that’s the equivalent of more than nine fully grown buffalo!

This weight loss success is a result of the Brook+ Diabetes Prevention Program, a digital healthy lifestyle program that helps you build lasting healthy habits that can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of diabetes.

Brook+ provides all the tools and personal coaching needed to make lasting change, with no need for classrooms or clinic visits.

The 12-month digital Brook+ program provides a free digital scale and access to you own personal Health Coach to help you drop pounds and keep them off. And it’s free for eligible Independent Health members.

Jaclyn, one of Brook’s Certified Health and Wellness Coach says: “Members come to us after years of trying to lose weight with little to no success. This isn’t another one-size-fits-all program. Your Health Coach will help you take the things you learn and put them into action in a way that works for YOU.”

Brook+ is working for the thousands of Western New Yorkers already losing weight with the program. They’re well on their way to achieving their 2021 goal for the region – they’re aiming to lose fifteen buffalo this year!

Are you an Independent Health member? Check your eligibility to join Brook+ here.

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Seattle, Washington 98104

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Seattle, Washington 98104

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