Rediscovering Health with Brook+: Tanya's Story of Dedication & Wellness

Rediscovering Health with Brook+: Tanya's Story of Dedication & Wellness

44-year-old Tanya was having a rough year when she saw a flyer for Brook+. She decided to take a chance and ended up embarking on a life-changing journey, losing an incredible 100 pounds!

A New Beginning

Tanya’s decision to join Brook+ came at a low point in her life. “I started my journey with an angry heart and broken spirit. I’d had a rough year at work, and nothing I did on my own seemed to be changing anything,” she shares. Then she got a letter inviting her to join Brook+ and decided to take a leap of faith.

The accountability and support from Brook+ were exactly what she needed. “I joined Brook+ because of the link to my healthcare system and the coach aspect. I needed a built-in check and balance system,” Tanya explains. This connection provided her with the assurance that she wasn’t alone on her journey.

Daily Empowerment

Since joining Brook+, Tanya has gained a new awareness of her body’s needs. “I’m more conscious of what goes into my body now and what makes me feel full, sated, refreshed,” she says. She’s learned to distinguish between cravings and actual needs. For example, instead of reaching for cookies, she now enjoys Greek yogurt with blended cottage cheese, which satisfies her sweet tooth while keeping her full and content.

The Impact of Coaching

Tanya’s Health Coach, Karen, has been a critical part of her success. “I needed more than just a calorie limit; I needed a neutral and non-judgmental partner to help guide me,” she shares. Her Coach provided the necessary support and accountability, helping Tanya stay on track and achieve her goals.

Karen is proud to see the amazing job Tanya has done, saying, “She worked hard to learn more about what is in the foods she eats and what her body needs. As a result, she has a bright, healthy future full of lots of living ahead of her.”

Positive Changes

The changes in Tanya’s health and well-being have been significant. “I crave and enjoy movement more than I used to. Where I could have walked, I find myself jogging instead,” she says. She acknowledges the importance of listening to her body and finding joy in movement, which has helped her lose 100 pounds.  

A Continuous Journey

Tanya views her journey as ongoing rather than a single success story. She reflects, “I have no magic moment. I had multiple thought process changes and emotions throughout. Even now, I don’t see a ‘success story,’ I see an ‘ongoing story.’ I will need to continue to act upon the knowledge gained and remain focused on health long after the focus on weight is past.”

With her newfound health and energy, Tanya is excited to spend more time at the lake. “I can kayak and canoe again now. I can take time to go swimming and participate with my neighbors,” she says enthusiastically.

In a world filled with fleeting diets and short-term solutions, Brook+ stands out. It focuses on creating a balanced lifestyle that works for you. Tanya’s journey is a testament to the power of Brook+ in fostering lasting, positive lifestyle changes.

Relaying the Message

To those unsure about trying Brook+, Tanya offers heartfelt advice: “Be open to starting a new, supported life change plan. Accept whatever feelings may come. It’s not always a joyous journey; sometimes there are tears and frustration along with the happy successes, and that’s okay! Just keep going and stay open.”

Ready to take the next step? See if you’re eligible to join Brook+ at no cost to you today by taking the 1-minute health risk quiz and entering your insurance information.

Note: Name and image changed at the member’s request for privacy reasons. Brook is a HIPAA-compliant service.

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Seattle, Washington 98104

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113 Cherry St
PMB 30466
Seattle, Washington 98104

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