John and Joanne's Journey

John and Joanne's Journey

Transforming Lives with Brook+: John and Joanne's Inspiring Journey

Joanne and John, husband and wife duo from Buffalo, NY, found themselves on an unexpected journey towards better health and vitality with Brook+. 

With support from their Health Coaches and each other, they’ve lost a combined 46 pounds, and are setting themselves up for a life free of diabetes. Their story is not just about shedding pounds; it's a testament to the transformative power of commitment, accountability, and sensible lifestyle changes.

A Game-Changer for Joanne

Joanne's journey into Brook+ was nudged by her primary doctor's recommendation. What started as a mere investigation became a cornerstone of positive change in her life. The secret to her success? Accountability. 

In the beginning, the accountability Joanne needed came from her Brook+ Health Coach, Jaclyn. When her husband John joined, Brook+ became a shared commitment between the couple. The daily monitoring of their activities and meals turned into a friendly competition. As they supported each other, Joanne found herself becoming more active, sleeping better, and witnessing positive changes in her overall well-being. "I am definitely more active because I know we will be talking and sharing at the end of the day," she shares.

Finding the Right Healthy Habits for John

John's journey into Brook+ started when noticed Joanne starting making some changes in managing her health.

John did not come into Brook+ expecting to lose weight. Over time though, he found that Brook+ empowered him to understand the importance of portion control, leading to a surprising weight loss of 12 pounds. His clothes fit better, and his blood pressure and cholesterol levels reached healthier ranges. "The program of eating sensibly and portion control was relatively easy to follow. It was not a diet, just eating sensibly," says John.

Looking Ahead

The couple’s newfound health and energy have opened doors to volunteering at the local hospital and senior center, proving that age is no barrier to an active and vibrant lifestyle. Joanne says, "At our age, we are not sedentary! I give Brook+ all the credit!"

Joanne and John's story is a beacon of inspiration for those hesitant to embark on a health journey. Brook+ is not just a program; it's a catalyst for positive change, proving that it's never too late to prioritize health and well-being. For anyone who is considering Brook+, Joanne says, “Absolutely give it a try – it truly has made a difference! It is not a diet! It has been an awakening to how easy it is to lose weight and increase activity level painlessly.”

In a world filled with endless diets and short-term programs, Brook+ stands apart. It's not about strict exercise regimes or drastic changes; instead, it emphasizes a balanced lifestyle that really works for you. John and Joanne's story is not just a testimony to their success but an invitation for others to embark on a journey that goes beyond weight loss, focusing on lasting, positive lifestyle changes. Through Brook+, they found a path that is both transformative and sustainable.

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Seattle, Washington 98104

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Brook Inc

113 Cherry St
PMB 30466
Seattle, Washington 98104

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