Brook launches CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program on new platform, Brook+

Brook launches CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program on new platform, Brook+

Brook+ Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is available following acquisition and integration of HealthSlate into the Brook health service platform.

Nov 17, 2020

woman holding phone
woman holding phone

Brook has launched Brook +, our CDC-recognized DPP. Brook+ is the latest generation of the long standing HealthSlate program recently acquired by Brook. Brook+ offers completely digital health programs developed and led by health professionals, starting with a Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP).

Oren Nissim, CEO of Brook explains it's the accessibility that makes Brook+ unique. 

“By taking the year-long Diabetes Prevention Program fully digital, we widen eligibility and improve retention while keeping participants safe during the COVID-19 crisis,” Nissim said.

Brook+ DPP is based on thoroughly tested and proven, evidence-based approaches and standards. It follows the guidelines and specific interventions of the leading medical authorities, including the CDC, ADA, AHA, and AADE. 

Brook’s long-term insurance partner Independent Health is covering the program for all their eligible members. 

In order to drive down medical costs, Margaret Paroski, M.D., MMM, President & CEO and Chief Medical Officer, Catholic Medical Partners, says people who currently have prediabetes must take the necessary steps to prevent their condition from progressing to type 2 diabetes. Often making small lifestyle changes, like the ones that are taught and encouraged by Brook+ Health Coaches, can make a significant difference.

“Once a patient is identified as [having prediabetes], it’s important to make an intervention early enough so that we can forestall the onset of the disease or keep the disease from developing altogether. We usually give them two choices: take a medication and/or modify your lifestyle. Thanks to Brook+, patients will be in better position to make the lifestyle changes they need in order to lower their blood sugar and improve their health outcomes,” said Dr. Paroski. “What I really like about the program is that it focuses on what we tell patients all the time...I believe those who truly engage with Brook+ can benefit from it tremendously. After all, even if you’re taking a medication, you’re not going to be able to outrun a bad lifestyle.”

As Director of Employee Benefits and Safety for People, Inc., Cheryl Stiller helps to oversee the company’s workplace wellness efforts. She understands just how impactful diabetes can be on a business and its workforce. That’s why she’s excited that Independent Health has added Brook+ as a new plan benefit.

“As part of People Inc.’s health and wellness initiative, we support programs that keep our employees healthy and active and help them increase energy levels, reduce stress, improve mental health and fight off illness. To be able to now offer a comprehensive program like Brook+ that will educate our employees on preventing type 2 diabetes, as well as creating a healthier lifestyle, is invaluable,” said Stiller. “Knowing that Brook+ is an online program, our employees will have flexibility and convenience when it comes to arranging sessions with their Health Coach and completing the program. That’s a huge advantage for them, especially during these times of social distancing.”

DPP programs like Brook+ have been proven to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 58%. Brook+ will continue to expand and partner with additional healthcare providers and services to bring their members the tools they need to get healthy at home.

About Brook: Seattle digital health company Brook, Inc. is helping people own their health on their own terms. Its Personal Health Companion platform is a personalized health service that combines intelligent data collection and analysis with live, compassionate support from skilled dietitians, certified diabetes educators, and other health experts. Brook’s tool has been embraced by healthcare plans and practitioners nationwide to help people manage their health proactively, and deliver scalable, personalized service at home. Brook was founded in 2015 by Oren Nissim and Kit Macgillivray. Brook’s team has almost doubled in size with the acquisition of HealthSlate. Brook is excited to welcome its new teammates to the Brook team and expand capabilities to help people get healthy and feel their best.

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