Independent Health and Brook: Preventing Diabetes in Western New York

Independent Health and Brook: Preventing Diabetes in Western New York

Independent Health and Brook unite to prevent diabetes in Western New York—empowering the community through awareness and proactive measures for a healthier future.

Mar 1, 2022

Western New York is getting healthier with Independent Health and Brook showing great success in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes in the region. Since early 2021, Independent Health and Brook have been providing the health plan’s members with the Brook+ Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) to address the growing issue.

Diabetes is one of the most significant health challenges in the region, particularly within the senior population. For Independent Health, it is their mission to meet this challenge. As part of their ongoing efforts, the plan has partnered with Brook to offer the Brook+ digital Diabetes Prevention Program to members. Brook’s expertise in delivering an engaging and impactful digital care experience that works for an older, at risk population was key to the decision to work together, move quickly and make an impact.

Brook+ is a CDC-recognized DPP that combines the best of experienced health coaches with on-demand content available via an app or web based access to deliver a personalized digital program for those at risk of diabetes. 

The results have shown excellent member uptake, especially in those 65 and older, along with are seeing positive improvements to weight loss, increased activity, and overall engagement. Independent Health members are really enjoying the program, finding it easy to use and love working with health coaches, especially Medicare members for whom Brook+ is really resonating.

With Independent Health members losing over 19,000 lbs in 2021 already, the results show that Brook+’s approach of combining live health coaches with smart digital tools can help members lose weight and reduce their diabetes risk. 

The 12-month Brook+ program, with its focus on personalization and coach guidance to build sustainable habits, makes the program ideal for Medicare members. In addition to the coach support, members receive a connected scale and activity tracker for an end-to-end experience that fits into their everyday lives.

Kit Macgillivray, Chief Product Officer at Brook, says: “Brook is very pleased with the impact that we have been able to have in the Western New York region. Independent Health has been a great partner as we work together to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes for their members. What has really stood out for us is how engaged the Brook+ members are, especially those over 65. We are excited to continue to grow the community and help make a difference for more members.

The success of Brook+ is set to continue into 2022 with an expansion to additional Independent Health member populations and growth enabling more people to get the day-to-day help they need for sustained health improvements.

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