5 Easy Ways to Increase Steps at Work

5 Easy Ways to Increase Steps at Work

A special addition to our weekly "5 Easy Ways" series in honor of the American Diabetes Association's annual National Get Fit Don't Sit Day™ !

Sep 6, 2018

foots on steps
foots on steps

Finding time to stay active with a busy work schedule can be daunting. The important thing to remember is that exercise doesn’t have to be done all at once. Research has shown that getting three 10-minute chunks of activity a day is just as beneficial as one 30-minute session.

Check out these 5 easy ways to up those steps while at work:

Add a walk into your commute

An easy way to build more steps into your day is to park in the very back of the parking lot. If you take public transportation, try getting off a stop early. Want to challenge yourself? Get off the bus one stop earlier each week for one month.

Use the bathroom on a different floor

Use the farthest bathroom in the office to get in extra steps and stretch your legs. A new Stanford research study found that creativity actually goes up while you walk, and immediately following a walk!  

Take a stroll after lunch

Walking after lunch helps your body use the energy from your meal. At a moderate to brisk pace, most people take around 1500 steps in 15 minutes.  Walk to a nearby park (or parklet!) and take in some fresh air. You’ll come back to work refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle the rest of your day. Goodbye afternoon slump!

Stretch your legs every 20 minutes

If you work involves sitting at a desk most of the day, try to stand up every twenty minutes for a quick stretch. Research shows that sitting for long periods of time, even if you exercise, can increase fat accumulation. Even better, set an alarm to remind yourself to get up and move.

Skip the email

Instead of emailing or pinging coworkers in the office, walk over to their desk and talk to them directly. Or, schedule a walking meeting like Steve Jobs did.

Work from home? We have some ideas for that too! 

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