5 Ways to Exercise When the Weather Is Dreary

5 Ways to Exercise When the Weather Is Dreary

Winter is no time to stop exercising and lose sight of fitness goals. Check out these 5 easy ways to get exercise when the weather is dreary!

Sep 27, 2022

2 people in snow
2 people in snow

Winter weather can make it difficult to exercise. Fear not! Check out these 5 easy ways to get exercise when the weather is dreary:

1.  Workout at home

When it’s rainy or cold out, sometimes even getting to the gym or working out outside can be a challenge. Why not try an exercise video? There are free videos on Youtube for all fitness levels. Check out our playlist here

Even if you're watching TV you can still get a workout in. Get this – an hour-long TV show has an average 13-16 minutes of commercial time. Use this downtime to your advantage and squeeze in a workout while you wait for your program to resume. These quick bursts are a great time to work on strength training or quickly get your heart rate up.

2.  Walk indoors at the mall

Malls and indoor shopping centers can be used for more than just shopping. Pick up extra steps by doing a few laps around the mall or get in a quick stair workout for cardio and muscle toning. Just make sure to get there early to beat the crowds!

3.  Do a stair workout

If you have access to a staircase at home you can get in a quick, quality workout. To prevent injuries, remember to include a warmup and slowly increase the workout intensity overtime if you are a beginner.

4.  Take an exercise class with a friend

Staying motivated to exercise in the winter can be challenging to do alone. Why not grab a friend and take an exercise class? Most community centers offer free or low cost classes, and most gyms offer your first class free. Plus, a friend can help keep you stay accountable and on track with your fitness goals!

5.  Embrace the bad weather

Sometimes the best way to beat bad weather is to embrace it! Bundle up and try a new activity such as snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, winter hiking, ice skating, or even walking in the rain fully suited up!

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PS – remember to always check with your doctor before beginning a new activity or making changes to your existing exercise routine.

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